Meeting rooms

The facility offer an access to 8 conference rooms:

BASTION MIŚ (130m²) – in the main building of the Uphagen Manor House, has the possibility to divide into 3 smaller rooms:BASTION MIŚ A (36m2) BASTION MIS B (39m2) BASTION MIŚ C(36m2) BASTION WILK (117m²) has a foyer and is located on the ground floor in an independent building of the old Boiler HouseBASTION ŻUBR (117m²) has a terrace and is located on the 1st floor in an independent building of the old Boiler HouseBASTION KRÓLIK (15m²) is equipped with a table and comfortable armchairs and is located in the main building of the Uphagen Manor HousePROFESSOR’S ROOM (38m²) is located in the oldest part of main building of the Uphagen Manor HouseBOARDROOM (28m²) is located in the oldest part of main building of the Uphagen Manor House. The room is connected to a lounge area, ideal for intimate business talks in a less formal setting.

Each room has air conditioning, access to daylight, Internet, screen, projector, microphone, flipchart and a smart panel for light and sound management. The list of booked rooms for CGM 2023 is as follow:

Plenary sessions: Tuesday-Thursday 12,13,14.09.2023 (9.00-14.00)

Bastion Miś: A+B+C, (combined rooms, max. 100 participants),

Parallel sessions:  Monday 11.09.2023 (9.00-18.00) and Tuesday 12.09.2023 r. (14.00-18.00)

Bastion Miś A, Bastion Miś B, Bastion Miś C (max. 30 per. each, Tuesday between 15.00-18.00)Bastion Królik (common table, max 10 pers.)Bastion Wilk, Bastion Żubr (max 35 pers. each) Boardroom (max 12 pers.) Oranżeria (common table, max 20 pers.)

SMC meeting on Thursday 14.09.2023 (14:00-18.00) and Friday 15.09.2023 (9.00-14.00).

Bastion Wilk (max 20 pers.)

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